Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Badger's Wedding

My good poker buddy, Patrick "the badger" Osburn, has always been a confirmed bachelor, so when he said that was engaged to his lovely, italian girlfriend, Silvia, I found it a little hard to believe. But the heart has mysterious and unknowable secrets and on a perfect spring day, Patrick and Silvia wed in the Vicenza City Hall in a small, understated affair. :)

The Commune di Vicenza is in a 500 year old palace in the middle of the city with a large, airy inner courtyard.

We waited here until the main matrimonial hall was available. It is quite popular to get married here (you can see why!) so the bookings were very closely scheduled.

After the ceremony we went for a stroll and some photos on the Piazza dei Signori, the main square at the heart of Vicenza.

The reception was at wonderful restaurant called il Castello nestled in the foothills west of the city. The food was delicious; the views were spectacular.

All our best to Patrick and Silvia.

Tanti Auguri!
Mike & Cyn

More Pics!

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